The recent website error on the site should now all be resolved. A number of pages were returning errors or blank pages.    this link for updates Any further issues may be reported to me by email or via twitter (see below)

My collection of digitized historic maps for Ireland and Dublin viewable in Google map format, and other Irish Family History resources, including a revised and improved townland database, scans and extracts from a number of directories, a database of Catholic and Church of Ireland parishes as they were during the mid 1830s, Catholic and civil parish links for over 1,000 parishes, and map coordinates to over to 2,000 churches and chapels etc. All free to access....

I can do lookups of various Dublin directories, including Thom's from 1848 onward, Pettigrew & Oulton, Treble Almanac/Wilson's directory etc , finding locations in Dublin city address and directions or coordinates to townlands and old Churches etc. contact me me with the details of your request - I'm on twitter @shanew147  ,   Mastodon    or contacted by email (see below).

For the latest news of Irish Genealogy and general history see :

Irish Genealogy News Claire Santry
John Grenham's Irish Roots Blog (

Also see the wordpress article list to the right of this page.

Latest articles and updates...

  12 October 2024

Photos – Dublin city & county  

(from the archive – all photos © Shane Wilson)

  11 October 2024

Photos – Walk in County Dublin  

(all photos © Shane Wilson)

  29 June 2024

Image Browse & Search Tools  

(updated June 2024) The image browse and search tool formerly located on have been transferred here to my main website – these are currently under test to confirm all are working correctly. The tools can be access at the … Continue reading

  12 May 2024

Website Errors – May 2024  

Fixes are in place for these issues, repairs are currently under test and checks of other pages… I have found that a few pages on the website have errors (12th May 2024), giving error messages, returning no results or a … Continue reading

  25 July 2023

Catholic Parishes and Chapels in Dublin city – 1818  

Extract from “History of the City of Dublin from the earliest accounts to the present time” by the late J. Warburton (Deputy keeper of records in Birmingham tower)the late Rev. J. Whitelaw M.R.I.A., vicar of St. Catherine’sand the Rev. Robert … Continue reading

For a full list of articles see here