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1662The dissenting congregation of Eustace street formed. 
1663The court of claims held in the King's Inns. Colonel Blood's plot to seize Dublin Castle discovered 
1665The chief magistrate of the city honoured with the title of lord mayor, as in London, and £800 granted him in lieu of the foot company. Sir Dermot Bellingham first lord-mayor 
1666A national synod of the Roman Catholic clergy held in Dublin. The lord lieutenant and council consul about sending 100,000 head of cattle for the relief of London, lately burnt. 
1667The militia of Dublin arrayed and armed, on the report of a French invasion. Jonathan Swift, the celebrated Dean of St. Patrick's, born in Hoey's-court. 
1668The spire of St. Audoen's Church blown down by a storm. 
1670In consequence of a great storm at new moon, the river overflowed up to Lazar's-hill, now Brunswick street, and the College. St. Stephen's-green, enclosed and drained, and a double row of lime-trees planted along the wall. New pipes laid through the city, to convey the water from the city basin. The foundation of St. Andrew's Church laid. The city left in charge of the militia, when the garrison was taken out to a general muster on the Curragh of Kildare. Bight bells hung in the steeple of St. Patrick's, six in that of Christ Church, and five in that of St. Catherine's. The hospital for decayed citizen's children, commonly called the Blue Coat Hospital, founded. A wooden bridge erected over the Liffey. An exchange opened at Cork-house. 
1671Several persons killed in an attempt made by the Dublin apprentices to destroy the wooden bridge, whence it was known by the name of Bloody-bridge. A large quantity of military stores burnt in the Castle by an accidental fire. Three persons killed, and many much injured, by the breaking down of the upper gallery of Smock-alley theatre. 
1672The new rules for the regulation of the corporation published by the Earl of Essex, lord lieutenant. 
1675Essex-gate erected on the site of Isod's tower. 

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