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1784An additional judge appointed to each of the three law courts. Habeas Corpus Act for Ireland passed. General Post Office established. College of Surgeons incorporated. Foundation of Bethesda Chapel, Dorset street, laid. King's Inns opened. 
1785An air balloon, the first in Ireland, ascended from Ranelagh gardens. The eastern part of the Parliament House erected, cost £25,000. St. Paul's Roman Catholic church, Arran-quay, built. Dublin General Dispensary instituted. The streets, &c, lighted on an improved plan, by oil lamps with double burners. 
1786The Royal Irish Academy, for the promotion of science, antiquities, and polite literature, incorporated. A police for the city established by act of Parliament. New Four Courts and public offices commenced to be built on the site of the old King's Inns. First Sunday School in Ireland opened in St. Catherine's parish. 
1787The Duke of Rutland, lord lieutenant, dies in Dublin; his remains, after lying for some time in state in the Parliament House, were conveyed in a grand funeral procession to the water side to be deposited in the family cemetery in England. Ballast Board incorporated by the name of "The Corporation for preserving and improving the port of Dublin." Foundation of the Military Infirmary, Phoenix-park, laid. Examination Theatre of Trinity College, opened. Western front of the Parliament House erected, cost, £30,000. 
1788Act passed to regulate the Theatre Royal, Dublin. Number of houses in Dublin, according to a return of the collectors of hearth money, 14,327 ; population, at an average of eight inhabitants to a house, 114,616. 
1789Royal Canal Company incorporated; capital stock, £200,000. Ringsend-bridge, which had been carried away in 1782, rebuilt. Astley's amphitheatre for horsemanship, &c. opened in Peter-street. Abecedarian Society, afterwards called the Literary Teachers' Society, instituted. 
1790The first mail-coach in Ireland started from Dublin. Masonic Female Orphan House, Strangers' Friend Society, and Sick and Indigent Room-keepers' Society, and Law Club, Dame-street, instituted. Dublin Library Society, Eustace-street, instituted. 
1791New Custom House opened for the despatch of business. Parliament grants £45,000 for constructing docks on the north and south sides of the Liffey. Apothecaries' Hall established. Foundations of Sarah-bridge, near Kilmainham - of Carlisle-bridge - and of the new House of Industry, laid. Navigation of the Grand Canal extended to Athy. First steam engine erected in Dublin. 
1792Inundation of the Liffey between Sir John Rogerson's quay and Ringsend, which laid all the low ground there under water, so that boats, as well with Sails as oars, plied on it. The House of Commons burnt. Foundation of the Female Orphan house, North Circular-road, laid; also of the new City Sessions House, Green-street. The Hospital for Incurables removed to the neighbourhood of Donnybrook. Westmoreland Lock Hospital, for the treatment of venereal cases, opened on its site. Association for the Discountenancing of Vice, instituted. 
1793Deputation from the Roman Catholics of Ireland to the King, for the removal of their disabilities, proceeded to London from Dublin. Act passed for the relief of the Roman Catholics of Ireland. St. Andrew's church rebuilt in the form of an ellipse. 

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