HOME :  Index Page  County Dublin Towns 1848 - Harold's Cross

Description of : Harold's Cross  Street Listing Page : 1  2  3  

HAROLD'S-CROSS, a village partly in the parish of St. Catherine's, but chiefly in that of St. Peter's, Upper-cross barony, Dublin county, three miles S. by W. from the General Post Office, Dublin, comprising an area of 256 acres. Population, 2,789 inhabiting 413 houses. It is pleasantly situated, near the Grand Canal, and on the road to Rathfarnham.

In ancient times it is said to have been the scene of repeated conflicts with the Danes, and in more later, Dalton says, the Archbishop of' Dublin, in right of his "palatine of' the liberties of the cross," had a gibbet here. The village occupies a wide area, in the centre of which is a spacious Green, and in the vicinity are some handsome villas. The principal building is the Church, at the entrance of Mount Jerome Cemetery, a spacious and elegant structure. The convent of St. Clare is on the left of the village, attached to which is a very neat Chapel; and a large Female Orphan Free School, supported partly by subscription and an annual charity sermon. Opposite to the Convent is a Friary of Discalced Carmelites, who support themselves by trade and the profits of a school. There is also a National male and female School in the village. Greenmount cotton factory of Messrs. Pim is to the right of the entrance of the village; it possesses steam and water power capable of moving 100 power looms, and 6,000 spindles, and gives employment to a great number of hands. The principal attraction at this place is Mount Jerome Cemetery, the second of the kind established in the environs before that of Glasnevin was formed. It is managed by a company of shareholders, under Act 4 and 5 Wm. IV„ and comprises twenty-five acres, beautifully arranged in sections, interspersed with lawns and flower plots, surrounded with a shrubbery, and lofty trees of venerable appearance extend along and shade the avenue leading from the principal entrance. It has extensive vaults, and abounds in handsome tombs and monuments, among which is one in honour of the late much lamented Thomas Drummond, Under-Secretary of Ireland.

It is within the G.P.O. delivery. Letters to be forwarded same day or evening, must be deposited in the Post Office receiver at noon, or by 4, p.m.

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