HOME :  Index Page  County Dublin Towns 1848 - Stillorgan

Description of : Stillorgan  Street Listing Page : 1  

STILLORGAN, a parish and village in Rathdown barony, Dublin county, 3 miles S.E. from the General Post Office, Dublin, comprising an area of 690 acres, of which 6 occupy the village. Population of parish, 1,550, of village, 611, inhabiting 107 houses. It is situated on the road to Bray.

In the village there is a Dispensary, Male, Female, and Infant Schools, and Constabulary Police Station, and near to it there is an extensive ale and beer brewery of Messrs. Darley, carried on for nearly a century by that family. The Church is a neat edifice. In the vicinity there are numerous seats and pleasing villas, the principal of which are Stillorgan house, Carysford house, Stillorgan abbey, Mount Obelisk park, and Thornhill; laid at Kilmacud, the adjoining parish, comprising an area of 286 acres, and population 192, they are equally numerous, among which are Redesdale, Kilmacud house, Merville, and Lakelands.

The mail from Dublin arrives at 20 minutes past 8, A.M., and 31 minutes past 4, p.m. ; and is despatched at 37 minutes past 4, p.m. and 29 minutes past 9, a.m.

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