HOME :  Start a New Search  Taylor and Skinner - Road Maps of Ireland 1777
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Map 257 - From Clogher to Newtown Bulter
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 Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh Brooksboro (Brookborough), Co. Fermanagh Clogher, Co. Tyrone
 Newtown Butler (Newtownbutler), Co. Fermanagh Magwires Bridge (Maguiresbridge), Co. Fermanagh 

Routes which include this map :

634  Clogher Co. Tyrone to Brooksboro' Co. Fermanagh (10)
635  Clogher Co. Tyrone to Magwiers Br. Co. Fermanagh (12)
636  Clogher Co. Tyrone to Newtown But. Co. Fermanagh (18)

Links to other maps :
46 Cavan Rd.
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