Image Browse & Search Tools

(updated June 2024)

The image browse and search tool formerly located on have been transferred here to my main website – these are currently under test to confirm all are working correctly. The tools can be access at the following link :  and include the following (full details and examples follow) :

  • Census Image Browse Tool (1901 and 1911 only)
  • Tithe Image Browse Tool and Tithe Location Database
  • GRO/IrishGenealogy BMD register Browse
  • Census Image Browse Tool (1821, 31, 41, 51)
  • Valuation Office Books Image Browse Tool
  • 1901/1911 Census Location Search

Use the Census Image browse tool to locate certain missing pages for the 1901 and 1911 census on the NAI website.  See the article for notes on how to use the tool, includes a link to John Grenham’s blog post from February 2017 for details on using this technique to try to locate unlinked images. The Valuation Office Books Image Browse Tool  and Census Image Browse Tool  (1821, 31, 41, 51) work in the same way and can navigate through these collections.

Use the GRO Image Browse Tool to locate missing or incorrectly linked Birth, Marriage or Death images on the IrishGenealogy website. See also a step-by-step example.

Note the BMD Image browse tool currently only works in FireFox browser

The Census location search tool allows a search of the 1901 and 1911 census by street or townland, without the showing large lists of occupants – making it easier to find locations by name.

e.g enter Sack*v* in the search box and click search – just 25 results are shown.

A similar search on the NAI website just for 1911 shows over 1,200 results.  Some of the placename spellings have been corrected.  The default search is by wildcard, with optional Soundex search, an Electoral District (DED) wildcard filter is available.

Additional search filters are included – street and townlands names have been categorized by street type – e.g. Lane, Street, Square etc, use the ‘Street Type’ search filter :

and also by street/townland descriptor – e.g. North, South, Upper, Lower etc  using the ‘Additional Search/Sub Type’ filter :

results can also be filtered by Electoral District (DED) :

Any combination of search fields is permitted and all fields allow wildcards (*). Results can also be filtered by census year and/or county. The default search on the primary street/townland name is by wildcard, in addition Soundex and original (i.e. uncorrected) search options of the primary name are included.

Notes on using the Tithe Location Database and Browse Tool, see also article on Misclassified locations in the online Tithe Applotment transcripts on the NAI and FamilySearch websites.


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