HOME :  Start a New Search  Taylor and Skinner - Road Maps of Ireland 1777
Route No. : 925 - Lurgan Co. Armagh to Portadown Co. Antrim
StepMap No.DescriptionStepMap No.DescriptionStepMap No.DescriptionStepMap No.Description
1264From Lisburn to Charlemont to ..2265Aughnacloy and Ballyhays      
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Map 265 - Aughnacloy and Ballyhays
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 Rich-hill (Richhill), Co. Armagh  Portadown, Co. Armagh Lurgan, Co. Armagh
 Loughgall, Co. Armagh  

Routes which include this map :

900  Lisburn Co. Antrim to Charlemont Co. Armagh (24)
902  Lisburn Co. Antrim to Lurgan Co. Armagh (10)
904  Lisburn Co. Antrim to Portadown Co. Armagh (15)
905  Lisburn Co. Antrim to Rich-hill Co. Armagh (20)
925  Lurgan Co. Armagh to Portadown Co. Antrim (4)
1041  Portadown Co. Armagh to Charlemont Co. Armagh (9)

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