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1304A great fire in which most of the public records were burnt in St. Mary's-abbey. 
1308John le Decer chosen provost of Dublin, and Richard de St. Oliver and John Stakebold, sheriffs. John le Decer erects a marble cistern to receive the water from the conduit; he also built a bridge over the Liffey. 
1310A great scarcity, when a cranock of wheat sold for 20s. The bakers were drawn through the city on hurdles fastened to horses' tails for using false weights, and other frauds. 
1311The office of provost held for three successive years by Richard Lawless, ancestor to Lord Cloncurry. John Leek, archbishop, attempts to found an university in Dublin 
1313A bridge erected at Ballybough by John Deeer, which was destroyed by an inundation. The citizens of Dublin recover Greencastle, which had been taken by Edward Bruce, brother of the King of Scotland, and threw the governor into prison, where he was starved to death. 
1316The citizens of Dublin defeat an ambuscade of the O'Tooles in Cullen's-wood. St. Mary's Abbey plundered in an attempt to arrest the Earl of Ulster for favouring Edward Bruce. St. Patrick's Cathedral burned by the Mayor and Commons of Dublin, to prevent it falling into the hands of Bruce. Part of the city burned by Bruce in an unsuccessful assault. Steeple of Christ Church blown down. Bridge-gate, near the bridge: erected. 
1320Alexander de Bicknor, archbishop of Dublin, founded a university in St. Patrick's Church. 
1327Adam Duffe O'Toole burned for blasphemy in Hoggin, now College-green. 
1331Sir William Birmingham, and Walter his son, taken by stratagem by Sir Anthony Lucy, lord justice, at Clonmel, and committed to Dublin Castle. Sir William was hanged in Dublin next year, and his son liberated, because he was in holy orders. A great famine relieved by a prodigious shoal of fish, called Turlehydes, being cast on shore at the mouth of the Dodder. They were from 30 to 40 feet long, and so thick that men standing on each side of one of them, could not see those on the other. Upwards of 200 of them were killed by the people. 
1332Arklow Castle taken by Sir Anthony Lucy, at the head of the citizens of Dublin. John Decer, the great benefactor of the city, dies. 

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