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1195The body of Hugh de Lacy, who had been killed by one of his own servants at Durrow, in 1186, buried in Bective; but his head deposited in the abbey of St. Thomas, near Dublin. 
1202Priory of the Saviour founded near the old bridge, on the site of the present courts of law, by William Marshall, earl of Pembroke. 
1204A great plague in Dublin. 
1205Writ issued for building the Castle of Dublin, for fortifying the city, and for holding a fair there for eight days, after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross 
1207King John grants a charter to Dublin. 
1209The citizens of Dublin, while amusing themselves in Cullen's-wood, on Easter Monday, were set upon by the Irish, of the neighbouring mountains, and 500 killed; wherefore, this day was afterwards called Black Monday, and the place, "the Bloody Fields." The city was repeopled by a new colony from Bristol; and on every succeeding Easter Monday the citizens marched out to the scene of action, with, banners displayed, and defied the Irish. 
1210King John received the homage of several Irish princes in Dublin: erected courts of justice in the city, and appointed judges and circuits, according to the forms of English law. Coinage of pence and farthings. 
1212John Comyn, archbishop of Dublin, died. He converted Saint Patrick's into a cathedral from a parish church, 
1213Dublin Castle completed by Henry de Loundres lord justice. The bishopric of Glendaloch incorporated with that of Dublin. 
1215Licence granted to the citizens of Dublin to erect a bridge over the Liffey. A new Charter granted to the city by John. 

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