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1385Dublin bridge, since called Old bridge, fell. 
1394Richard II. arrives in Dublin from Waterford, with an army of 30,000 men. Granted a tax of 1d per house, to repair the bridge and streets ; confirmed all former grants; held a parliament, and knighted four Irish princes. He quitted Dublin in the beginning of summer. The O'Beirnes of the mountains defeated by the citizens. 
1399Richard II. arrived in Dublin the second time with a large train, and was nobly entertained by the provost. 
1402The O'Beirnes defeated with great slaughter by the citizens of Dublin, commanded by John Drake, provost. A parliament held in Dublin. 
1404Another parliament opened in Dublin, wherein the statutes of Dublin and Kilkenny, and the Charter of Ireland, were confirmed. 
1406A parliament held in Dublin, and adjourned to Trim. The citizens defeat the Irish of Wicklow, and fix the heads of the slain over the city gates. 
1407The franchises perambulated by the mayor and citizens. Licence granted to the mayor to have a gilt sword borne before him, in like manner as the mayor of London, as a reward for the services performed by the city of Dublin to the crown. 
1408Thomas of Lancaster, the king's son, having landed at Carrickfergus as lord lieutenant, arrived in Dublin, and arrested the Earl of Kildare. A parliament held in Dublin. 
1409Thomas Cusack chosen first mayor of Dublin, and Richard Boye and Thomas Shortall, bailiffs. 
1410The lord deputy, with the aid of the citizens, invaded the territory of the O'Beirnes, but was forced to retreat. A parliament in Dublin, which continued three weeks. 

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