Civil Parishes
Grange Gorman
St. Andrew
St. Anne
St. Audeon
St. Bridget
St. Catherine
St. George
St. James
St. John
St. Luke
St. Mark
St. Mary
St. Michael
St. Michan
St. Nicholas, Within
St. Nicholas, Without
St. Patrick's Liberty
St. Paul
St. Peter
St. Thomas
St. Werburgh
   Streets in : St. John Civil Parish

 Street Split
 Cook Street *
 Copper Alley 
 Essex Bridge 
 Essex Quay 
 Essex Street *
 Exchange Street (Lower) 
 Exchange Street (Upper) *
 Fishamble Street 
 Fleece Alley 
 John Lane *
 Mansfield Court 
 Marshall Alley 
 Merchant Quay *
 Molesworth Court 
 Morgan Court 
 Rosemary Lane *
 Saul Court 
 Smock Alley 
 St. Michael Hill 
 Virginia Court 
 Wellington Quay *
 Winetavern Street 
 Wood Quay 


List of streets and civil parishes in Dublin city.

Details based on summary of lists of eligable voters.

Streets marked as Split appear in more than one civil parish - e.g. Sackville St. Lwr was partially in St. Marys and the rest in St. Thomas.

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