Street ListingTrades ListingSurname Listing
Surname Listing
Surname listing for Dublin city, from Wilson's Merchants and Traders Directory 1804, part of the Treble Almanac. Select an initial letter of the surname, and then select from the list to show details - Beta version (data test)

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   

Gahan Galbraith Gallagher Galway Gamble
Gandon Ganly Gannon Gardiner Gartland
Garty   Gaskin Gason Gatchell Gatty
Gaughtan Gault Gautier Gaven Geale
Geary Gellis Gemmell Geoghegan Geoghehan
George Geraghty Gernon Gerrety Gibbins
Gibbons Gibson Gibton Giffard Gilbert
Giles Gill Gillam Gillespie Gillespy
Gilligan Gillington Gilmor Ging Giordani
Glanan Glasco Glenton Glover Glynn
Godey Godfrey Goff Goggin Golding
Goldrisk Gonne Goodin Goodwin Goold
Goramly Gordon Gormacon Gorman Goslin
Gosson Gough Goulding Goyar Grace
Graham Graisberry Grange Grant Grattan
Graves Gray Graydon Green Greene
Greenham Greenwood Gregg Gregor Gregory
Grehan Gresham Grierson Griffin Griffith
Grimshaw Grimwood Groves Grueber Grumley
Guest Guinness Gunne Gunning Gwynn

 GartyWilliamWatch-maker36S. gt. George's-street
2 records