Street ListingTrades ListingSurname Listing
Surname Listing
Surname listing for Dublin city, from Wilson's Merchants and Traders Directory 1804, part of the Treble Almanac. Select an initial letter of the surname, and then select from the list to show details - Beta version (data test)

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   

Radford Rafferty Rafter Rainey Rainsford
Ralph Ramage Ramsay Rankin Ransford
Raper Rathborne Ratigan Ravell Rawlins
Raye Rea Read Reade Reaf
Reddy Redmond Redson Redwell Reed
Reid Reilly Rencher Renny Renshaw
Revell Reynolds Rhames Ribton Rice
Richardson Richey Rickard Riddall Ridley
Rigby Rigg   Rigney Rigrey Riky
Rinkle Risk Rivett Roberts Robertson
Robinson Roche Rochfort Roddy Roe
Rogers Rogerson Rooke Rooney Rorke
Rosborough Rose Ross Roth Rotheram
Rounds Rourke Rowan Rowe Roycroft
Russell Rutherford Ryan Ryder  

2 records